Dear Melissa,

What the actual fuck? I worked so hard on assembling this teacher appreciation week in combination with the parents. How could you deminish the hard work of your employees continuously? You know thats a reason as to why I was seeking a new job. I’m letting you know that if you refuse to step up the level of help and appreciation for your teachers, they are going to leave. I mean it. They are leaving. Animal crackers was not in the deal with the circus/fair themed. Beatrice and John are ruining the business. The fact that they only care about the margins shows exactly how much they are not a part of the circle of care. I could no longer stand behind a business that is stricly about the money and not the quality we swore we serve to our families. If my child was a student here, I would pull them. The teachers are working their butts off with little to no reward. In fact, they’re critisized. It’s appalling that more people haven’t left faster. I understand the office, as that is where I worked. I’m not a teacher, never wanted to be and never will be. My experience in the classrooms though provides a wonderful insight to both sides of the stories. I don’t know what to say other than the office is certainly failing the staff. Teacher appreciation week came with an outline. I’m not positive what more I could have done for you guys. Onward with the inconsistencies. I’m honestly disappointed that all of my hard work has been null and void, just as it has been the entire time. I am disappointed, and you should be too.



Remaining Positive and Knowing What I Deserve

It says it all in the title. It’s okay to feel sad, disjected, or angry about any situation. In fact, it’s natural. I struggle daily to keep my positive attitude. It takes practice, and the ability to step back to consider why I am having this reaction. It leads to questions like: How permanent is the situation, is there anything I can do to change it, what can I do to reset my perspective? I’m still very new at all of this. I’m usually the kind of person who will take that negative emotion and run with it; hurl myself fully into a pit of dispair. Some advice that I’ve recieved is to fake confidence until it becomes real. It works. It might sound stupid, but it really works. Soon enough you’ve rewired your brain and you really are confident.

With my new found confidence, I know now expect and what I deserve. I know now what I’d like in a work environment. I now know what I’d like in my next partner. I know what I expect for a friendship. All of this has come to fruition because of my previous failures. I personally need to keep in mind what I deserve. I’m working on keeping those expectations in mind with each of my actions and interactions.

This past week, I came out of the closet publicly and to my family. The reactions were overall positive except for one person who really matters to me. They’ve taken it personally and feels like I’m doing everything I’m doing just to make her angry. It upset me for a few days, and then I realized that her opinion wasn’t as crucial as it felt. I’ve finally become comfortable enough to express that I have feelings toward my same gender. I am more than allowed to settle into becoming who I think I am. If it hurts her, then unfortunately it’s her problem. Love yourself uncontrollably and selfishly.

I hit the RESET button

Hello there. My name is Talene and I am revamping my life and my goals. Part of those goals are to use this blog as a sense of accountability. I’m studying to get my realtors license. I’m chasing after my big goals and making steps toward it every day. I’m rehabbing each different part of my life and I can’t wait to show you all exactly what I can do. Please check out my art, see if you like it! Maybe I’ll sell one to you. After I get my license I’ll be sharing the homes that I’m currently listing under the page titled “Realty.” Let’s get this next chapter of my life started and I’m glad you’re along for the ride! Contact me for any art or realty inquiries through email, which is linked under my contact page. The beat goes on!